Position: Tivoli Engineer
Location: Remote
Duration: Long term
Job Description
Migrate from BMC Auto operator software to IBM Tivoli Automation software.
Convert from BMC Mainview AutoOperator on the mainframe z/OS to IBM Tivoli system automation
Automation to IPL the system (bring it up and down)
Create automated tickets from the mainframe to the customer Service Now.
Simple message automation to alerts, all the systems are run by exception alerts meaning the operator only sees problems they have to address not every system message
Automated QA all day checking systems e.g., DB2, IMS, MQ, Network, Hardware not simple " heart beating " but dig into issues.
Starts and stops of applications.
All via IWS/OPCE "talks" with automation as the automation is triggered by the scheduler to start and stop apps based on batch trails, e.g., bring down an app and tell OPC/e IWS run the trail
Automation creates alerts and EMAILS based on an issue in the system.
Tracks condition the system at any time so if an IPL/Reboot is done during the middle of the day system comes back where it was
Must have IBM systems automation and Netview experience
AMI Ops Automation for CICS
AMI OPS Automation IMS
AMI OPS Automation for MQ
AMI OPS Automation for z/OS
MQseries automation
Network automation
Sachin Agarwal